How to Use Elastic Email On Cloudways With a Website Hosted Elsewhere

Written By

Jonathan Jernigan

Recently, I had to fix an email deliverability issue with a WordPress website hosted on Godaddy.
Due to the age of site and how many plugins were out of date, I was unable to migrate the entire site to Cloudways.
While we rebuilt this clients’ site, we fixed their email deliverability by using Elastic Email on their Cloudways server.
This process is an easy way to fix transactional emails not sending on hosts such as Godaddy, HostGator, etc when you plan to migrate to Cloudways eventually, or if you already have an active Cloudways account.
Follow the steps below to fix your transactional emails not sending:

2. Click on Settings 9 Dots Icon

Click on Settings 9 Dots Icon

3. Click on Add-ons

Click on Add-ons

4. Click API next to Elastic Email

Click API next to Elastic Email

5. Click to copy your API key

Click to copy your API key

Copy that somewhere safe for use later and delete it once you’ve followed all these steps.

6. Click on Verification Icon

Click on Verification Icon

7. Enter your domain in the field (

Enter your domain in the field (

8. Click on verify domain


9. Ensure you have added the DNS records to your domain

Ensure you have added the DNS records to your domain

Note: You only need to add SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. You can ignore both MX and tracking in the domain verification process.

10. Install the Elastic Email Sender Plugin (WordPress)

Install the Elastic Email Sender Plugin (WordPress)

11. Click on Send all WordPress emails via Elastic Email API.

Click on Send all WordPress emails via Elastic Email API.

12. Enter your API key you copied from Cloudways

Enter your API key you copied from Cloudways

13. Change “Email Type” to Transactional

Change "Email Type" to Transactional

14. Click on Save Changes

Click on Save Changes

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